Frequently Asked Questions
Our business is focused entirely on Turf Management, Weed Control, Bed and Driveway Weed Control, and Tree Shrub treatments. We will happily refer you to a grass cutting business in your area if needed.
Our organic granular fertilizer is perfectly safe for people and animals alike. As soon as it is applied it is safe to walk on. Our selective herbicides that we use on yards to kill the weeds is not as friendly when first applied. We ask that you keep pets and children off of the lawn until the weed control has dried. Once it is dry then it is again perfectly fine to walk on. It usually dries in one to two hours.
Fertilizers are divided into organic fertilizers and inorganic fertilizers. Organic fertilizers are made up of organic matter from plants and/or animals. Inorganic fertilizers are made up of synthetic chemicals and/or minerals. Inorganic fertilizers (synthetics) release more nitrogen faster and are cheaper, but they run the possibility of burning the plant and often leach out of the soil quickly into water. Organic fertilizers not only feed the plant slower, but over time amend the soil and make it a much better place for grass to grow.
The cutting height can be determined by the type of turf you have and the time of year. Normally fescue lawns can start being cut in March or April depending on the temps. The first cut of the year will help remove discoloration and tip burn from your turf. Mower heights should range from 3" - 3.5" during spring and fall months. Lawns can be cut as needed (every 5 - 10 days depending on temps and moisture levels) during these optimum growing periods. Moving into the hot and dry summer months fescue becomes much more delicate. It can be severely damaged by cutting to often and at incorrect heights. During the summer or stressful weather it is recommended to cut fescue at 4" or higher. Only cut lawns as needed in the summer or not at all during extreme heat or drought. It is also very important to keep mower blades sharp throughout the year. Summer turf lawns (such as Bermuda, Zoysia, St. Augustine, and Centipede) can start being cut once they come out of winter dormancy. Optimum cutting heights range from 2" - 3", as needed, for these types of turf during there growing season. We are always happy to answer further questions.
Common Bermudagrass is drought resistant and a very resilient type of turf. When mowed right and grown in the right conditions common Bermudagrass produces an easy and economical establishment of turf. Common Bermudagrass may be planted from either seed or sprigs and with intensive management will provide a high quality turf. Bermudagrass is also a major turf species for sports fields, parks, golf courses, and general utility turfs.
Many customers refer to it as “wiregrass” or “crabgrass” since it creeps along the ground and is very intrusive. Bermudagrass when correctly maintained by itself or mixed with a dominant fescue lawn can still have many benefits. It will only grow in sunny areas and thrives on warm weather with direct sunlight. If you have shade lines in your yard the Bermudagrass will not grow in shade. It is found in over 100 countries throughout the tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Common Bermudagrass, C. dactylon, naturalized throughout the warmer regions of the United States, was introduced into this country during the colonial period from Africa or India.
The biggest problem with Bermudagrass is it is ALMOST impossible to get rid of totally. If you have a neighbor with it in their yard it will creep. Killing it off with roundup only provides temporary relief because the root systems go so low that it will usually come back in a year or two. The options for controlling this type of turf vary from yard to yard and we will work with each customer individually to find the best solution.
If you have any questions, concerns or worries about anything unusual happening with your lawn PLEASE call us. If there is a problem it is in your best interest as well as ours to get this problem solved as quickly as possible. We like to be proactive in helping your lawn be the best it can be.